One Data Indonesia aims for nationwide digital services, says minister

The One Data Indonesia (SDI) program is part of the government’s consolidation efforts to realize digital services for the people, according to Minister of Communication and Informatics Budi Arie Setiadi.

“Digital transformation must continue, and this digitalization is for the people,” he said on Tuesday.

He emphasized that all people must have access to digital services. The program is part of the government’s efforts to be consistently present and serve the community.

“The SDI is a program that can be experienced directly from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote Island,” he said.

Setiadi also anticipated differences in data quality between Jakarta and other provinces in Indonesia. Therefore, the unity of the program and its measures is crucial.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics is tasked with preparing qualified digital talent in all regions of Indonesia, he added.

Meanwhile, Minister of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform Abdullah Azwar Anas stated that several sensitive and strategic data will be stored in the National Data Center (PDN).

He assured that there are no problems related to the SDI budget and that the program will be completed in August.

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